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    The Global Learning Network

    Locally based dynamic and innovative centres of global learning.

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The Global Learning Network

DECs are locally based dynamic and innovative centres of global learning.

The Global Learning Network brings together independent, not-for-profit organisations that support and deliver global learning in schools and communities across England and the Isle of Man.

These development education centres (DECs) help people of all ages learn about the world around them and further afield, building the key idea of interdependence. Learners are supported to acquire core dispositions towards themselves, others and the environment; understanding of concepts such as identity, diversity, fairness, conflict and sustainability; and a range of relevant skills relating to:

  • self-awareness
  • communication and empathy
  • conflict resolution and collaboration
  • critical and creative thinking
  • taking action

The need for high-quality global learning in schools and communities has never been more critical. Read this blog to find out more about Global Learning and it's importance for people, place and planet.

In response, The Global Learning Network has updated its well-established Global Teachers Award. This is a nationally validated training course, delivered by local DECs (The Global Learning Network ensures the quality of this provision), that helps teachers navigate the wide range of global learning resources and support available. 

In addition, each DEC promotes and supports best practice in global learning in their area through CPD training, whole-school initiatives, advice and access to resources for sale and for loan. They define their own areas of work in response to local needs and enquiries. DECs work with schools, teachers, local authorities, youth and community groups, universities, volunteers, and adult learners.

DEC services aim to lighten the workload and increase the knowledge and understanding of those they support by providing:

  • Learning programmes for schools
  • CPD training and workshops
  • Community outreach and education
  • Youth work programmes
  • Resource libraries
  • Talks and lessons
  • Support and advice
  • Teaching ideas

Global Teachers Award: UPDATE

Global Teachers Award was created by Consortium of Development Education Centres (now The Global Learning Network) to promote engagement with global learning, support teachers to deepen understanding and skills and celebrate participatory learning and critical reflection within the classroom and beyond. 

Over 800 educators from across England have successfully completed the course either face to face or online over the past three years. Course content and delivery is consistently rated very highly by course participants.

To find out about courses running across the country (either on-line or in person), go to the courses page

The Global Learning Network are always open to finding new audiences with Global Teachers Award - locally, nationally and internationally.  Do contact us if you want to discuss your specific requirements and costings.